2 Oct 2017 Botanical name. Dioscorea elephantipes. Other names. Elephant's foot, Hottentot bread, Tortoise plant, Testudinaria elephantipes. Genus.
Dioscorea elephantipes, commonly known as Elephant's Foot, is one of the most beautiful, weird, and wonderful caudiciform plants. It has a deeply fissured surface, resembling an elephant's foot, hence its common name. Attractive, heart-shaped vines grow from the corky bark of Elephant's Foot.
They flower in May/June, a pale green/yellow flower. They are found in South Africa. The caudex can grow to 9 feet. Dioscorea elephantipes can live for 70 years in cultivation. Browse pictures and read growth / cultivation information about Dioscorea Species, Elephant's Foot, Khoisan Bread, Tortoise Plant (Dioscorea elephantipes) supplied by member gardeners in the PlantF Dioscorea elephantipes (Testudinaria elephantipes), commonly known as Hottentot Bread or Elephant’s Foot.
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It may or may not be blooming at the time of your purchase. The plant is shipped in its pot to prevent any damage to the roots). Common names include Turtle back and Elephant ‘s foot. Flowers: Greenish-yellow in clusters. Dioscorea elephantipes lose their leaves in summer so that they can conserve energy.
Dioscorea elephantipes , also known as elephant's foot. This plant is an unusual plant which can be found in South Succulents - Dioscorea Elephantipes - in love with this!
Dioscorea elephantipes 3 frön 100kr. Dioscorea rupicola 3 frön 100kr (finns bara 6 frön) Dioscorea hemicrypta 3 frön 100kr (finns bara 6 frön)
Localisation : South Africa : Northern Cape (Rosyntjie Mine) Google Maps * Geocode Date : Notes : puy3289 Dioscorea elephantipes · Category: · Water Requirements: · Sun Exposure: · Foliage: · Foliage Color: · Height: · Spacing: · Hardiness:. Köp Dioscorea elephantipes frön. (kallas också ”elephant's foot”).
Elefantfot, Dioscorea elephantipes Torktålig klumpfot Elefantfot, Dioscorea elephantipes, växer vild i Sydafrika. Under torrperioden torkar de gröna skottdelarna bort och endast växtens sköldpaddslika stam och de underjordiska delarna överlever (stammen lär kunna bli mer än 2 meter i diameter!).
Annerie Konstadinidissucculents/cactus Hundar. Animales. Larissa Fajardo Sådd: Så i väldränerad jord. Täck fröerna. Gror bäst i 20 - 25 grader.
Tag Archives: Dioscorea elephantipes
Dioscorea elephantipes 200 грн. Dioscorea elephantipes (диоскорея слоновая) каудексное растение. Kidstaff №26218845. Dioscorea elephantipes. (syn. Testudinaria) Tortoise Plant. Annual vines from a caudex which is woody-looking but succulent within.
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17,44 €. Dioscorea elephantipes montana · Dracaena fragrans 'Hawaiian Sunshine'. 21. 110 - 130. Elephantfoten, Dioscorea elefantipes växer i Västra Kap norr om Kapstaden och i Östra Kap norr om Port Elizabeth.
The caudex can grow to 9 feet.
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Dioscorea elephantipes. Senast uppdaterad: 2014-11-14. Användningsfrekvens: 1. Kvalitet: Osäker. Referens: IATE. Italienska. SOTTO LA NEVE PANE. Latin.
Dioscorea-släktet inkluderar andra unika växter som kinesisk yam, luftpotatis Elephant's Foot, Elefantfot (Dioscorea elephantipes) - Stock Image Elephant's Foot, Elefantfot (Dioscorea elephantipes). Elephant's Foot, Elefantfot (Dioscorea /Fashion: Kostenlose Lieferung und Rückgabe, Durchmesser der Medaillen: ca, Schildkrötenpflanze Dioscorea elephantipes Pflanze 15-20cm Maße ca.118x50x7,5 cm, Stk Seeds Plants Shop Samenbank Pfullingen Patrik Ipsa 5x Dioscorea elephantipes Schildkrötenpflanze Pflanzen Samen B1289, Schildkröte" S "Pflanze Dioscorea elephantipes.