Hi No Tori – Houou Hen – Gaou No Bouken (Japan) NES ROM NESA Audio Player – Little Nemo Sample (Hack) (USA) NES ROM AV (Card Game) (USA) NES ROM Cheats Kirby (Hack) (USA) NES ROM · 100-in-1 Contra Function 16 (USA) NES ROM · Captain Tsubasa Vol 2 – Super Striker (Japan) NES ROM
Enter now to check ✔️Contra NES cheats and codes ✔️. house Konami in 1987, first as an arcade and then for various platforms, including the NES.
If you know of any hints for this game that aren't already in the database, please take a moment to share you knowledge with your fellow gamers. The following are known Game Genie Codes for Contra III: The Alien Wars on Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES). Infinite Lives (Side-View Levels) 22BB-AD01; Infinite Bombs (Side-View Levels) 2264-D760; Infinite Bombs (Top-View Levels) 22B8-0766; Infinite Lives (Top-View Levels) 22BB-6F0B 6DBB-64DB; Start With 5 Bombs On Each Life (Side-View Levels) Contra III : The Alien Wars. Code notes: The following codes are valid for the Japanese version of the game and must be done in a sliding motion. No codes exist for the North American version. Level select: Press Left, Down, Down/Left, Left, Start at the player selection screen.
Press Down (2), Up Start with 30 Lives. Enter the "Konami Code" (Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A) at the title screen while it's scrolling. If done correctly when you start a game, you'l have 30 Alien3 NES cheats and codes; Power Blade NES passwords and tricks; Gun Smoke NES cheats and codes; Super Contra NES cheats and codes; Gargoyle's Quest II: The Demon Darkness NES cheats; Dragon Quest NES cheats and passwords; Super Pitfall NES cheats and codes; Dick Tracy NES passwords and tricks; Willow NES codes and passwords; Mike Tyson's Punch-Out !! NES cheats and codes Cheats, Tips & Secrets for Contra on NES. 30 Lives Cheat Hard Difficulty Secret Ending (Japanese Version) Shoot while ducking Sound Mode (JPN Only) Stage Select (Japanese version only) Steal life from partner To jump extra high, press Start to pause the game, then hold A and press Start again to resume playing with the A button still held. This will allow you to jump extra high.
Infinite Lives (Side-View Levels) 22BB-AD01; Infinite Bombs (Side-View Levels) 2264-D760; Infinite Bombs (Top-View Levels) 22B8-0766; Infinite Lives (Top-View Levels) 22BB-6F0B 6DBB-64DB; Start With 5 Bombs On Each Life (Side-View Levels) Contra III : The Alien Wars. Code notes: The following codes are valid for the Japanese version of the game and must be done in a sliding motion.
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After you beat the game, the credits roll by and you start over with the remaining lives you had. You will also start with the gun you had.
Konami s "Super C" -spel för Wii är uppföljaren till mega-hit-spelet "Contra", vilket ursprungligen släpptes för NES, Super NES och GameBoy Advance till Wii.
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PS2 ) - Mata in koden i cheats-tangentbordet " UUDDLRLRBAS "ger Koden var anpassad till NES-handkontrollen, eftersom det första spelet som använde En av de mer berömda funktionerna koden ger är i spelet Probotector (Contra). .com/nes/563469-teenage-mutant-ninja-turtles-iii-the-manhattan/cheats.
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