It is recommended to keep the container in a horizontal position. Apply a thin layer of gel on the affected area or the skin over the inflammation 1-2 times a day and lightly rubbed. The amount of gel applied depends on the size of the treated area. It is possible to use Fastum in combination with physiotherapy (phonophoresis and iontophoresis).
Fastum AB - Org.nummer: 5567300883. Vid senaste bokslut 2019 hade företaget en omsättningsförändring på 13,8%. Fördelningen i styrelsen är 50,0 % män
Check generic medicine substitute Get doorstep Fastum Gel Dispenser 100g. KSh1,250. Medication used as a topical pain relieving gel; Contains nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agent ketoprofen; Also used Medicine Overview OF Fastum Gel 30 gm. Ketoprofen is a non steroidal anti- inflammatory, analgesic & anti pyretic drug used mainly for painful conditions. About Fastum 2.50% Gel. This gel is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug.
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It contains 2.4% ketoprofren which is proven to penetrate deep onto the site of pain and provide relief. FASTUM GEL 2.5% 50G. Additional information. Weight: 0.05 kg: Reviews There are no reviews yet. Be the first to review “FASTUM GEL 2.5% 50G” Cancel reply. يستعمل fastum-huile كعلاج فوري لآلام الظهر والكدمات والالتواءات الناتجة عن بعض الإصابات الطفيفة.
Fastum erbjuder även demofilmer för hur detta går till. Nedan hittar ni inloggning till Fastum. Fastum geeli kasutatakse valu paikseks leevendamiseks pehmete kudede valulike ja põletikuliste seisundite korral.
The instruction on Fastum gel specifies that this ointment is intended only for external use. According to the application instruction Fastum of gel a small amount of drug (a column of 3-4 cm) is applied on skin over the inflammatory center and slightly rubbed, this procedure is repeated to two times a day.
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I have been using it for the past few days & already I noticed that my Arthritis pain is greatly reduced. Previously, I was given FASTUM GEL by my doctor to reduce
Fastum 2.5% gel contains Ketoprofen as its active ingredient and is used to reduce pain, swelling, stiffness in conditions like arthritis (inflammation of the joints), sports injury, sprains, strains. It is meant only for external application and should be applied exactly as recommended by your doctor. Fastum Gel Dispenser contains Ketoprofen which has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic properties.
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Föreningens ekonomi förvaltas av Fastum. Bostadsrättföreningen äger fastigheten Blåvingen 3 som förvärvades 6 mars 2008. Fastighetens byggnadsår är 1938.
Fastum AB värdepapper. Inga värdepapper hittades för Fastum AB. Saknas något? Säg till oss så fixar vi FÖRSLAG Stadgar för. Bostadsrättsföreningen Ekblomman. Undertecknade styrelseledamöter intygar att följande stadgar blivit antagna av föreningens. Nu kan man använda sig av Fastum Direkts Hemsida På hemsidan kan du tex.